Throughout the Easter Season we will highlight Shallowford staff members in an effort to build community and educate our church family. This week we are excited to share Rev. Landon A. Dillard’s responses with the SPC community!
  • Staff: Rev. Landon A. Dillard
  • Position: Associate Pastor for Children’s Ministries
  • Start Date: August 2020

Q&A with Pastor Landon

Church had such an impact on my life growing up. I was able to learn about God and how much I am loved. I formed relationships with people of all ages, served others locally and on mission trips, learned music and went on handbell tours, and more! All of these experiences shaped me into the person I am today. I “go” to work each day to help those growing up at Shallowford have the same experience I was lucky enough to have growing up. I want our Shallowford children to know that they are loved by God just as they are.

Meetings… lots and lots of meetings. Right now, I am preparing to welcome home 100+ kiddos for our 2021 Vacation Bible School at Shallowford. I also hope to add driveway visits into my week so I can continue meeting SPC children and families:

Other weekly responsibilities include:

  • Weekly Sunday School Prep
  • In-Person Wednesday FAITH Program
  • Sunday Worship
  • Music class with Mrs. Anne, etc.

Joining you at Shallowford! It may have seemed crazy to take a new call in the middle of a pandemic, but I am thrilled to be at Shallowford. I have enjoyed social distanced visits to meet SPC children and families and look forward to meeting those of you who I have not yet had a chance to meet in person.

Whether what comes out of their mouth is profound or silly, the children have so much joy and wisdom to share!

My hair is naturally curly! However due to the unpredictable nature of what it looks like when it dries curly, you will rarely see it that way.

  • Landon wants to know…

“What keeps you engaged at Shallowford, and what would help you to become more engaged?”