Seasonal Offerings
Turning Toward the Light of Goodness – A 3-Part Zoom series focused on Spiritual Practices
Join Robby Carroll and Kay Stewart with the Shallowford Family Counseling to explore how to open pathways for recognizing our true goodness and the goodness of others. We’ll gather in community, online, in a quiet, focused, and safe space, allowing the noise around us —and within in us — to subside. Together, we’ll explore life-giving spiritual practices for mindful awareness that attune our hearts and minds to that still small voice within.
Walk Humbly – A 4-Week Journey Toward Racial Understanding
As Christians, God has called us to the difficult and joyful “ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). That ministry begins within—educating ourselves, listening to others’ voices, and being open to the movement of the Spirit. Together, let’s be open to the transformative power of the Spirit!
Loving Kindness – Anti-Racism Training
As we seek to reflect on the history of American race relations, repent for the brokenness of racism, and prepare for a more equitable and inclusive tomorrow, let us join together to become better equipped to “Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).