Support Groups

Whether you are a member or someone in the community seeking comfort, support, or guidance you are always welcome. Shallowford partners with the following organizations to provide meaningful support groups to our community:
- Alzheimer’s Support Group
- Grief Support
- Multifamily Addiction Support
- National Alliance On Mental Health
- Shallowford Center for Mindful Living

Bereavement Ministry
Our Bereavement ministry offers comfort and love to friends and family of the deceased and extends hospitality to all memorial service attendees. This ministry also provides friends and family of the bereaved family an outlet to express their support through personal notes.
Care Ministers
Shallowford pairs volunteers – also known as care ministers – to help care for individual church members who are unable to come to church regularly. Through monthly visits, calls, or notes, our care ministers check in with their assigned members.
Flower Guild & Dedications
Through the Flower Guild ministry, volunteers thoughtfully create floral arrangements to enhance worship and overall welcoming. Flowers are both purchased from outside vendors and collected from the church grounds and gardens of our friends and member, and are paid for by members to honor or celebrate a life, birthday, anniversary, etc. For $80, you can honor a loved one by sponsoring an arrangement for Sunday worship. Orders may be placed by calling the church office.
Meals for Members
Shallowford coordinates and provides meals to members through the Take Them A Meal website. Whether welcoming a new child or assisting those during a difficult time, the congregation is always willing to help.
Prayer Network
Through the prayer network volunteers pray for each member of the congregation, by name, for one month in the year. In addition, members pray for one another, and friends of the church through a weekly prayer email. Whether you need prayers for healing, are grieving the loss of a loved one, or are celebrating new life, you can count on the congregation to keep you in its thoughts and prayers. To submit a prayer request, please call the office.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Throughout the year, the Prayer Shawl ministry creates and gives personalized prayer shawls to church and community members experiencing tough times.