Questions about Worship
Q: Do I have to wear a mask, even if I’m vaccinated?
- Yes! In order to comply with the most recent CDC guidelines, we ask that all people wear masks indoors on Shallowford’s campus until further notice.
Q: Do I need to make reservations to come to worship?
- No. We invite you to show up on Sunday and sit where you feel comfortable.
Q: Can I still worship from home online?
- Yes, we will continue to livestream the 11:00 a.m. worship service right here on the Shallowford website and to the Shallowford Facebook page.
Q: Will we use hymnals, bulletins, and bibles in the pews?
- Yes, we will use hymnals, bulletins, and bibles.
Q: Will the congregation be allowed to sing during worship?
- Yes, according to the most recent updates from the CDC, singing is no longer considered a super spreader event for fully vaccinated people.
Q: Will the nursery be open on Sunday morning?
- The nursery is open and ready to care for your little ones while you worship. Reservations are not required.
Q: Will everyone who attends worship be vaccinated?
- As vaccine availability grows, Shallowford is encouraging everyone to be vaccinated. However, we are not keeping a register of vaccinated members or requiring vaccination to attend events.
Q: Will we have gatherings for only vaccinated people, or vaccinated-only seating sections?
- No, we do not plan to divide the congregation into vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, because we have some people who cannot be vaccinated due to health concerns or age eligibility.
Q: What is happening with Sunday School?
- Children’s Sunday School meets in person each week. Adult Sunday School classes continue to meet on Zoom and in person.
Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine
Q: How do I register for a COVID-19 vaccine?
Q: Technology is a challenge for me, and I need help registering for a vaccine. Can anyone help me?
- Yes! We have “vaccine champions” at Shallowford: members who have already received at least one dose of the vaccine and are willing to help others. Email the task force ([email protected]) to get connected with someone who can help.
Q: Once I have an appointment, how easy is it to get the vaccine?
- Easy. When you get the vaccine, you and your healthcare worker will both need to wear masks. While you wait, be sure to maintain distance from others. You should receive a vaccination card or printout that tells you what COVID-19 vaccine you received, the date you received it, and where you received it. Even after you get your vaccine, you will need to keep wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth, washing your hands often, and staying at least 6 feet away from other people. It’s important to continue protecting yourself and others.
Q: What does “herd immunity” mean, and when might we reach it?
- Herd immunity means that enough people in a community are protected from getting a disease because they’ve already had the disease or they’ve been vaccinated. Herd immunity makes it hard for the disease to spread from person to person, and it even protects those who cannot be vaccinated, like newborns. The percentage of people who need to have protection in order to achieve herd immunity varies by disease. CDC and other experts are studying herd immunity and will provide more information as it is available.
Questions about Shallowford
Q: Is Shallowford open for any in-person gatherings now?
- Yes. Shallowford offers Sunday worship at 8:30 am in the Chapel and at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Shallowford is also open for small group gatherings, indoors and outdoors. Contact your staff liaison if you have questions about gathering on or off campus!
Q: Once I’m vaccinated, will I still have to wear a mask at Shallowford?
- Yes. Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention updated their guidelines recommending that all people (vaccinated and unvaccinated) wear masks in indoor public settings.
Q: Who decides when Shallowford is ready to take a reopening step, and how?
- On May 16, 2021 the session voted to allow staff, committees, and the COVID-19 Task Force to set guidelines to safely reopen the campus. Recommendations no longer require a session vote. Recommendations are based on two key metrics:
- The number of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in DeKalb County.
- The new COVID-19 PCR test positivity rate in DeKalb County.
Both of those metrics are tracked through the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Q: Are we saying that persons at higher risk are not welcome at Shallowford?
- Absolutely not! We will continue to live out our mission of inviting all people to a faithful way of life in Christ and in community. We encourage people to use their judgment and follow health and public safety guidelines, and we will stay connected through technology with all people who are unable or uncomfortable returning to campus in person.
Q: How has the pandemic impacted Shallowford’s financial health?
- Thanks to the generosity of Shallowford’s members and the leadership of the session, Shallowford continues to be in a healthy financial position. Thanks be to God! We ask members to continue practicing generous stewardship by giving online or mailing contributions to the church office.
Q: What should I do if I have more questions or concerns?
- We would love for you to email the task force at [email protected]. The task force meets every Tuesday, and someone will follow up with you as soon as possible.