Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
The church office is located underneath the sanctuary and to the left of the main walkway. The Shallowford School maintains its offices on the second and third floors of the Education building.
Church office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Church Office: (404) 321-1844
- Fax: (404) 321-1890
The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
If you are an existing Realm user, you may update your information by logging into the Realm Connect App on your phone, or through the website at If you would like to create a Realm account, or request assistance from a staff member, you may call the church office.
Prospective members are invited to attend “Discovering Shallowford” classes, a two-part visitor class that is offered multiple times throughout the year. To learn more, email [email protected].
Visit the Shallowford Center for Mindful Living website.
Visit the Shallowford School’s website to schedule a tour or connect with school administration.
Children & Baptism
Congratulations! Share your good news by emailing [email protected] or calling the church office.
For more information or to schedule your child’s baptism, please reach out to Sandra Ward, Church Administrator or call the church office.
For more information about our Children’s ministry, visit here.
Visit the Shallowford Presbyterian School website or email [email protected] for additional information.
Vacation Bible School is our largest Children’s ministries event at Shallowford and takes place each June. Any child, member or not, ages three-years-old through fifth grade is invited to spend the week with us!
Youth Ministry
Teenagers grades six through twelfth grade are welcome to join weekly fellowship.
For general info, upcoming events, and more, visit the Youth Ministry page on the website.
All teenagers are welcome at Shallowford, regardless of membership status.
Shallowford invites all 8th and 9th grade students the opportunity to be confirmed at Shallowford. For more information about the confirmation process, please contact Rev. Joseph Jumper, Associate Pastor for Mission & Youth.
Confirmation is a 12-week journey that starts in January of each year and ends mid-April.
Pastoral Care
To submit a prayer request, please email [email protected] or call the church office.
Please call the church office at (404) 321-1844 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. If you need to reach a pastor after these listed hours, please call the Pastor on Call Line (404-321-1844, ext 285) and leave a message.
To make an appointment with the Shallowford Center for Mindful Living, please visit
Financial Information
For questions about gifts, donations, pledging, and the Shallowford budget, call the church office at (404) 321-1844. To make an online contribution, visit
Please call the church office at (404) 321-1844 or email [email protected] to express interest.
To learn more about Shallowford’s annual budget, income, and expenses, visit
Specific Ministry Information
Shallowford’s Young Adult ministry meets monthly for fellowship and faith-filled discussion. To join the group, send an email to [email protected].
Shallowford’s Older Adult Ministry meets quarterly for food, fun, and fellowship. To join the group, send an email to [email protected].
We’d love for you to join one of our many Sunday School classes! Visit the Sunday School page of the website for additional information.
To learn how to serve at Shallowford in a ministry such as Music, Children, Welcoming, Youth, Mission, or Christian Education, visit You may email [email protected] with specific questions or for more information.